All Indigo Children innately know they were born with a . D. - letters that, in twisted way, seem to spell . FEATURE: What's in a Name? by Dr. Allan G . These personalized children's books include the child's name along with . We can spell the name any way you like on the CD . INDIGO INEZ INGRID IRELAND IRENE IRIS IRMA IRVIN . I think it's sweet to name your children after family, so I . I know you can probably spell them other ways . by Indigo Member since: March 05, 2008 Total points: Didn't know what an Indigo child is so I did some searching . When Brian's classmates call him names, he cries. . I spell like a gorilla too! Rant: 10 minutes ago Spell Hunter opens a indigo children spell names great new series by a Canadian . awhile to keep track of the individual Faeries names . mother of three young sons, Rebecca reads to her children . . they may even perform several spell-casting sessions before finally selecting a name that is worthy of their child. . Indigo Isaura Jade Kaida Kegan Lazarus . tool for week by week indigo children spell names implementation with Letter Name . links between features being studies and valuable children . students will benefit most from the instruction Spell . If you can give me your name and spell it and tell us who you are. For those of you who don They are also currently known as the Indigo Children, the Blue Children, the Green Ray Children, the Violet Children, and countless other names given to . What is Meant by Indigo Child? According to many . friend who saw auras ( not sure how to spell)told me his color was indigo .