Du musst dir ein Statistikprogramm einbinden, z.B. Analytics: http://www.google.com/support/ blogger/bin . du dir deinen Code abrufen und in ein "HTML/Javascript" Gadget .
http://world.episerver.com/Blogs/Jeff-Wallace/Dates/2010/8/Google-Analytics-Gadget--Updated/ . About the blogger
Google Analytics account management is a highly flexible . to authenticate their users, such as Google Calendar, Blogger, and . on the gadget is reported for the My Gadgets profile.
Places a visitor counter on your iGoogle homepage, using Google Analytics data. You must tell the gadget the profile id of your google analytics profile that tracks the website .
Brauchst du auch nicht, da alle Google-Dienste und so mit auch Blogger, Google Analytics eigenst�ndig nutzen und einsetzen. Fremd-Entwickler z.B. von Gadgets/Widgets tracken .
Add the free Google Translate gadget to instantly translate your webpage or blog into other . Track translation usage in Google Analytics. Learn more Don't have a Google Analytics .
. be defined as the code representing a Page Element in the New Blogger.You can blogger google analytics gadget add a Google Gadget to . Google Analytics (5) Google Apps (2) Google Calendar (2) Google .
Want to learn more? Take a quick tour, watch a video tutorial or read Blogger Buzz.. � 2012 Google; Features; Buzz; Help Center; Developers; Terms of Service; Privacy; Content Policy
Google Analytics bei Blogger.com einbinden . �lteren Blog das ganze Prodzedere mit Google-Analytics . f�r diesen Tipp.ich kann nur kein neues gadget .
Google Analytics code doesn't work in the new Blogger in Draft template - Watermark - any solutions? . Addition: Once your adding a gadget, add a TEXT gadget.
. hit counters, visitor tracking and website stats for Blogger . Click one of the
To add these gadgets blogger google analytics gadget to your blog, select "Add a Gadget" from the "Layout" tab of Blogger
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